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Book Information

What to Expect When You're Expecting

A Completely Revised and Updated Edition of America's Bestselling Pregnancy Guide

What to Expect When You're Expecting is an essential guide for expectant mothers who want to understand the journey of pregnancy, from conception to delivery. The completely revised and updated edition provides comprehensive information on what to expect, making your pregnancy a smoother, more enjoyable experience.

The book is co-authored by Sharon Mazel and Heidi Murkoff, both seasoned writers who have delivered an authoritative masterpiece on pregnancy. They provide a clear and concise explanation of the biological and emotional changes that you will experience throughout the pregnancy journey.

The book has five sections. The first section, "Before You Conceive," raises awareness about the essential factors to consider before conception, such as medical history, vaccinations, weight, and lifestyle changes. The second section, "The First Trimester," details the changes in your body and the growth of your baby in the early stages of pregnancy.

The third section,"The Second Trimester," describes the baby's development during the middle stage of pregnancy, such as the development of bones and muscles, the baby's senses, and fetal movement. In this section, you will also learn about the physical changes that a mother will experience in terms of weight gain, skin changes, and nutrition.

The fourth section, "The Third Trimester," covers the final stage of pregnancy from week 28 until birth. It discusses everything from the baby's final developments, delivery planning, and symptoms such as Braxton Hicks contractions and false labor.

The final section provides information on caring for your newborn, what to expect during delivery, and how to cope with postpartum changes.

In conclusion, What to Expect When You're Expecting is an essential guide for expectant mothers who desire to understand the changes happening to them and their developing baby. The authors provide comprehensive information in an easy-to-understand format while addressing essential factors from conception to birth. The completely revised edition is up-to-date and covers all aspects required for a happy and healthy pregnancy. Read this book to get ready for one of the most beautiful chapters of life.

What to Expect When You're Expecting


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